Dynamics NAV - Create Customer Sales Codes

In this video we'll show you how to create standard customer sales codes in Dynamics NAV.


Learn how to create standard customer sales codes

Standard customer sales codes in Dynamics NAV allow you to set up multiple sales document lines to be grouped for efficiency. This could be to charge for rent, service fees or bulk sales made on a periodic basis to a specific customer. To create standard sales codes, choose the sales document you wish to enter the sales codes on. Now choose the customer the standard sales code applies to. Select the ‘Get Reoccurring Sales Lines’ button from the ‘Actions’ tab in the ribbon and click ‘New’ to make a new line.

In the ‘Code’ field, select the drop-down menu to make a new code name and enter the code name and the description. Then select 'Edit'. You can include items, resources, fixed assets or even item charges. However, don’t forget to include the quantity. The sales codes can be personalised by applying a valid time period, payment method codes or payment terms codes. Once finished, you can select the standard customer sales codes line and the sales objects will be added to your sales document.