Dynamics 365 Business Central - V.14 Interface
In this Knowledge Session we will show you the basics of Dynamics 365 Business Central, and cover the changes that have been made since Dynamics NAV and the role tailored client.
Business Central is easy to navigate, either through the links on the role centre, or through the search icon at the top right of the page. The navigation pane along the top of the page provides you with departments and their processes within the drop down, to give you quick access to the functions you access the most. List pages have been updated to enable you to focus on data, show lists in different views, and drill down into data you wish to view in more detail. Searching within a list page now allows you to search through the data within all columns on the page rather than one column at a time. FactBoxes can now be hidden which allows you to show more of your data at a time, and filters still help you to break down lists and data.
User Personalisations and Design Mode are new features to Business Central and they really help you to make each users experience unique to their role. You can move sections around on the role centre to bring more relevant information to the top the page, or hide columns on list pages which may not be required all the time. Whilst personalisations are specific to each user, Design Mode creates a bespoke extension which can be used throughout your business to change the look and feel of each page within Business Central.
The basics of Dynamics 365 Business Central