Dynamics NAV & Dynamics 365 Business Central GDPR Compliance
Whitepaper Download
On May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect. GDPR is a European privacy and security law that establishes a new global standard for privacy rights, security, and compliance.
This whitepaper is designed to help you become GDPR compliant! It covers:
- GDPR and Its Implications
- Key GDPR Compliance Roles
- Personal Data
- Data Definitions
- Journey Towards GDPR Compliance
- Dynamics NAV | 365 Business Centrl and the GDPR Journey
- Identify and classify personal data
- Data subject rights (DSR)
- Export data subject’s personal data
- Delete data subject’s personal data
- Modify data subject’s personal data
- Mark people, customers, and vendors as blocked due to privacy
- Manage data subject requests
- Provide detailed notice of processing activities to data subjects
- Detect and respond to data breaches
- Facilitate regular testing of security measures
- Maintain and report on audit trails to show GDPR compliance